Sunday, 29 May 2011

Getting Official

I now own Its not yet complete but all my links to my business facebook/youtube/twitter/tumblr etc

And also a complete and utter shock but a make-up guru from the states mentioned on her video that she loved my music video and how much of a lovely girl I am  ( We have spoken on a few occasions via comments) .

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Event photography

I'm off to Plymouth on Thursday to see my 'fella' but I'm awesome going to do some cracking photography whilst I'm there. I have already got a ticket to the Plymouth tattoo convention and after party, I have been to the Brighton conventions before but never stayed till the end, due to the simple fact with me living in Portsmouth I wouldn't be able to get home. But now with me staying in Plymouth I can stay out and enjoy the highlights of the event which include live music and a whole lot of tattooing antics.

So stay tuned for the madness which will be the Plymouth tattoo convention!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Memory for morton couple

How cute is memory stick I just brought for the wedding couple, and a £1 from the sale of the product will benefit the BBC children in need appeal.